My Review : Niko's Stolen Bride

Faced with the fiasco of her cancelled wedding, Kara wants to hide from the world while her heart heals. A day trip aboard the yacht leased for the honeymoon cruise sounds like the perfect escape. If only the captain hadn’t turned out to be the man she’d practically begged to kiss her after her failed bachelorette party. A rebound relationship with the handsome Greek should be the furthest thing from her mind, shouldn’t it?

Niko Maragos has spent more time in meetings than on the decks of his family’s ships in recent years, but after he dances with Kara, he’s eager to captain the yacht to Key West. To ensure that she can’t return to her ex-fiancĂ©, he steals her away. His plan to get Kara in his bed seems fail-proof, until pirates attack…

My Review :

Characters - Kara, Niko Maragos

Author - Lindy Corbin

Genre - Romance 

Rating - 4 Books

Source - Purchased

It's a well written story, Kara is very strong and reserved. She like Niko but she don't want him to be the rebound. She is still recovering from her cancelled wedding.

Niko is very lovable and witty as well. I love how he treat Kara, he loves her too but he is afraid because of his past experience with his former wife.


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