Friends with Benefits SUCKS (At Least for Women)

A lot of women have settled for being in friends with benefits relationships with men. The problem is that there aren't many benefits; at least not for women! Sex is the only benefit, but that isn't all that a woman needs. That isn't even half of what a woman needs in a happy relationship.

This brief, to-the-point eBook breaks down the reasons why a friends with benefits relationship SUCKS for women and how you can break out of that cycle. Questions that it answers:

* Why does a woman's feelings grow stronger in a FWB relationship, while his stays the same or lessen?

* Why do I keep attracting "losers" into my life?

* Why don't guys take me seriously?

* Why do so-called decent men like strippers and bad girls?

* What makes a man fall in love?

These are just a few of the aha moments you'll have when you read this brief, simple eBook. You'll finish it in one sitting, get up feeling like a brand new woman and begin your journey to true self-love. (Oh, and don't forget to text your FWB and tell him that it's SO OVER.)

You deserve better.

My Review 

Author - Lyn Gilliard

Rating - 5 Books

Source - Author in Exchange for an honest review

I like this book so much, I learned a lot on how to respect ourself, how to move on and how to react on our first date.

It's true that most guy like woman who is outspoken and can carry herself well but most of the times guys did not value their relationship or guy did not take their relationship seriously.

My favorite part of this book is teaching us women how to value our self, how to become confident and be outspoken, say no if you don't like, in short just be yourself, women don't need to always please men.

It's a must read book and I will surely suggest it to my friends. Great Job Lynn.

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