Wish List (White Hot Holidays)

When Nicolas James draws Stephanie Martin's name in their law firm's Secret Santa exchange he knows he's in for a merry Christmas-if he can figure out what to give the woman he's wanted for months. When he works late and finds a crumpled piece of paper listing Steph's personal wish list, he knows he's in luck. Because all Steph wants for Christmas is him, in a number of naughty ways.

And not-so saintly Nick is going to make every one of her carnal wishes come true.

My Review :

Characters - Nicolas James and Stephanie Martin

Genre - Contemporary Romance

Author - Sylvia Day

Rating - 4 Books

Source - Purchased

Beautiful erotic short story, well written and full of love. You will feel the love of Nicolas to Stephanie and he accept Stephanie for who she is. Nicolas will do anything for Stephanie,at first he thought that it was a pure physical attraction but eventually he realized that he love Stephanie.

Good story and I will surely recommend this to my friends.

Rating :

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