Blog Tour (Silk Words) Harem Club and Storm at Sea

Storm at SEA
Skyler White

Genre: Contemporary Erotica w/paranormal hints (extended length)

A journalist accepts an assignment to investigate the Society of Erotic Adventurers. She infiltrates its flagship hotel and, experiencing SEA’s legendary eroticism, discovers her own capacity for pleasure.

My Review :

Rating : 4 Books

I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review by the author

It was very fast paced, to the point, and very sexy. I think you'll find it to be a fun way to pass a few hours.  

The hot scenes were lively and nicely detailed,The sex scenes in this book are pretty hot -wow !!.Their relationship is so very sweet and very intense. I love the sexual chemistry and tension that they share 

Immediately we were drawn to the story it was very compelling.

You will not regret reading this book, trust me. 

The Harem Club
Jane Nin

Genre: Contemporary Erotica

Married young, recently divorced, she thinks she's ready to get back in the game. But when she receives an invitation to an exclusive, adults-only club, she wonders is she ready for this?

My Review:

Rating : 4 Books

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is a short read,erotica story. This book is full of intrigue. I even imagined myself being invited to the same club maybe not doing what they did,maybe out of curiousity if this kind of club really exist. It is a well written story, though upon reading it I really had a hard time because chapter is not arrange in proper order, I don't know which comes first. Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading it and gives me knowledge for this kind of club.

Thanks to Jane Nin for sharing her novel with us.


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