Feature and Follow Friday # 3

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers -- but you have to know -- the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!

Q: Share something you’ve learned about book blogging or just blogging in general in the last month.

What I learned from Book Blogging is on how to express myself in giving your honest opinion on the book that book that I've read.

I also learned how to mingle and make friends on other book blogger and I had so much fun. I love joining blog hop, I read other book bloggers opinion, learned from their style and thoughts in giving their opinion and actually I learned from it.


  1. Nice answer. So true :)

    following via bloglovin


  2. Hey! I never even knew there was a whole society of book bloggers! New follower, check out my FF, it's #44 :)

  3. Honest Opinions.. those are hard. I mean you want to be honest and you want to be kind and sometimes it's very very hard to be both. It's a skill we all must learn if we are to give a realistic and yes, honest, review...

  4. Thanks for stopping by my F&F, I'm following you via GFC (Jeannius). I'm really glad there's a network of bloggers giving honest opinions!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  5. The blogging community is fabulous! I've met so many amazing people. New bloglovin follower!

    Meredith’s Musings

    1. same here,i meet lots of friends in blogging.
      thanks for dropping by

  6. I agree. I do think blogging is a good way to reach out to other readers to get here opinions, and to express your own about books. :) happy Friday! New follower

    My Feature & Follow
    Whit@Whit's Book World

    1. yes, I learned a lot thru blogging and blog hop. thanks for dropping by.

  7. Hi there, Mich. When I was on my first 2-3 months of blogging, I have no problem about posting honest opinions about the books that I greatly enjoyed. But if it's a negative review, I tend to write a lot of euphemisms so I wouldn't come as a harsh reviewer.

    But these past few weeks, I told myself to be truly honest about negative reviews. Do away with euphemisms and just get on with the review.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF, following you back on bloglovin!

  8. I agree, though I'm still learning for the styles how to write a review that people will read my blog.


    Thanks for dropping by my blog, I followed you ;)

    Here's my FF: Camelle @ Home Of A Book Lover

  9. Thanks for stopping by my F&F, I'm following you :)) I agree. I do think blogging is a good way to reach out to other readers!!

  10. Great answer, it is freeing once you learn you can be completely honest in your reviews.

    Following you back.

  11. Good answer. Makomg blogimg friends through hopping and other such memes, is the best part.

  12. Forgot to mentiom following yoi back now

  13. Hi Michie! Thanks for stopping by my FF. This is a great tip! I'm a new GFC & Bloglovin follower!


  14. Welcome to the blogging community! Thanks for dropping by my blog and followed via Networked Blogs!

    I always make sure that I ONLY provide honest reviews!

    Kate @ The Bookaholic Blurbs!

  15. I agree, bloggers make awesome friends!

    Julianna Smith - My FFF

  16. It's such a great community and I'm so happy to meet the wonderful people. And the absolute willingness everyone has to help everyone out is beautiful. I hope you continue to enjoy your tenure as a book blogger.


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