My Review : Lady Hathaway's Indecent Proposal (Hathaway Heirs #1)

Twelve years have passed since Miranda Hathaway ended her courtship with Andrew Osborne and married the older, but much wealthier, Viscount Hathaway. It is only one week after her husband’s death and Miranda cannot ignore the temptation to have a taste of what she threw away all those years ago when she followed her parents’ wishes. But to entice the man she never stopped loving, she will have to act quickly.

Now the Earl of Sanderson, Andrew is no longer the same man who once believed in love. When Miranda asks him to help her conceive a child—one whom she means to pass off as the next Hathaway heir—he sees her deceit as proof that she is not the same woman he once knew. However, he cannot ignore the temptation to finally have her in his bed.

Miranda knows she is infertile, but her deception gives her three weeks with Andrew. He plans to use that time to finally consign Miranda Hathaway to the past, while she hopes to build memories that will last her a lifetime.

My Review:

Character - Andrew Osborne, Miranda Hathaway
Author - Suzanna Medeiros
Genre - Romance
Rating - 4 Books
Source - Publisher (Net Galley)

The story was very short but it was full of love and Romance. Characters are well define,it was a well written story as well.

Miranda's husband died,she need an heir so she asked the help of her past love Andrew. 

Andrew was hesitant at first and he can't believe that Miranda asked a favor that he cannot resist. They spent 3 weeks together that to realized that they still love each other. Fate  bring them back together and their love prevails.

I highly recommend this book,you will surely love this


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  Available at : AMAZON


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