Feature and Follow Friday # 5

Q: If you could only have ONE – one book – for the rest of your life. Don’t cheat…what would it be?

Answer - I want  the book "A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks, I fell in love and at the same I cried a lot while reading this book. It's very emotional and you will feel the value  of family and love of our life. Any person can make change the life of another person by inspiring them and loving them with all our hearts.

How about you, if you could only have ONE book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

GFC Follower photo GFCfollowers_zps1e5bc9f4.jpg

 photo Bloglovinfollowers_zpse3fa43a4.jpg

Next Week's Question:

Bookshelf Tour. Give us a tour of your bookshelf. 


  1. Nice! That was the only Sparks book I ever read! I liked it as well, but was still craving my paranormal reads at the time!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Next month I will start reading my paranormal books. Thanks for dropping by

  2. Awww I love A Walk to Remember! Such a great story! :)

    New GFC follower! :)

    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  3. I loved this movie, but haven't read the book. I'll have to check it out sometime. Thanks for stopping by my FF! I'm now following you via Bloglovin'.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  4. I'm a Gemini and a book lover! I couldn't possibly choose! Arrgh! : o

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

  5. Nice choice. I really enjoyed the book, the movie not so much.

    Thanks for stopping by my feature follow

    New bloglovin' follower.

  6. Thank you for the visit and follow. I'm now following back via Bloglovin and looking forward to visiting often.

  7. I haven't read that; it sounds good though. Thanks for stopping by my FF. Returned the follow. BTW love your blog design (blue's my fav color, which you cannot tell from my blog)

    Kimber Leigh @ Once Upon a YA Book

  8. That was my first Nicholas Sparks book. Loved it and fell in love with so many more. Happy Friday! Old follower.

    Meredith’s Musings

  9. I've seen a few people pick Sparks! I haven't read any of his books. I think they might be too sad for me. I don't like crying when I am reading!

  10. I have to say, this is the one Sparks book I liked. It's very sweet and I could absolutely see it as a good over and over book.

    New bloglovin follower!



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