Stacking The Shelves - 17

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

I want to share to you my new books

What did you add to your shelves this week?


  1. Ooh, I haven't read any of these books. I hope you enjoy them :-)

  2. Hi Chrissi, thanks for dropping by.

  3. Oh they're all new to me but I hope you'll enjoy them all. Happy reading!

  4. Hi Melliane, thanks for dropping by.

  5. I've been wanting to read Collide. I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to your review if you post one :) Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    1. Hi Jazmen, I will post my review as soon as I'm done reading it. Thanks for dropping by.

  6. I hope you love your new books! Thank you for visiting my STS earlier. :)

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Jennifer, yes they are. Thanks for dropping by

  8. Awesome new books you have! They definitely look appealing to the eye. Enjoy reading them!


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