Blog Tour - Santa Exposed by Kay Dee Royal

Santa Exposed
Ohhh…Santa Short Stories
Kay Dee Royal

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Holiday, Christmas

Publisher: Muse It Up Publishing
MuseItHOT imprint

Date of Publication: December 2, 2014

Number of pages:  Approx. 39
Word Count:  10,600

Tagline: A wedding coordinator meets her match with a billionaire playboy posing as a Santa submissive.

Book Description:

Jade Randals, wedding coordinator specializing in Bridal needs, is coerced into attending the Santa Exposed Masked Ball at the Erotic Play Palace.

Landis Parkwell, billionaire and known playboy, thinks he’s found the perfect submissive in Jade.

But things go array as Dom and Sub roles switch, and a true Santa is exposed.

Story Quotes:

1 sentence quotes:

His warm breath against my ear sent a shiver down my spine, and the warmth emanating from his hand on my hip did other things to me. “I’ve got a place for us over here.”

It might be best to close your eyes and get a good inner sense of the submissive role.

3 sentence quote:

The whir and crack of a whip snapped through the air behind me.
“So, you think you’re a Dominatrix.” I couldn’t help but put her in her place. “Why?”
“Silence!” Another whir and the crack slapped against my ass cheek. “If you say one more word you’ll wear the bit-silencer.”

I wanted to feel the whip in my hand, so I walked over and picked it out from the box of toys. The leather-bound handle was soft, yet hard, sexual, and commanded respect. I snapped it in the air and it whirred to life.


Warning Adult Content

“There you are.” Clark plopped onto the couch next to me. “You are definitely the chosen one for Ms. Randals. She is down the hall, game to role-play with her Santa, but insists on the role of Dominatrix.”
          “You’ve got to be shittin’ me.” I stood up, paced back and forth, while frustration tensed my spine. “She has no idea that she’s a submissive. There’s no way she’ll be able to pull it off. You know that, and I know that.”
          “So maybe you should consider playing along until she gets stuck in it, and you can pull her out of it.” Clark sat there with this dumb-ass grin. “Have you ever played the Sub role?”
          “No. But, I could dress the part because it won’t take her long to realize she’s in way over her head.” I shuffled through some costumes hanging in a closet. “So, what does a male Submissive wear? I don’t think I have anything that would suffice for that role.”
          Clark chuckled, got up, went to another closet and came back with something. “Here, you’ll still need to wear the Santa mask.” He picked the mask off a nearby table. “She’s ready in Dillon’s room. Be patient with her, you might actually learn something.” Again he gave me that stupid-ass grin.

Excerpt 2

Warning Adult Content

I was not excited about wearing a tight candy-cane striped gown, flourished at the bottom with a taffeta frill of mini jingling bells. The silly stilettoes had turned up toes, like an elf shoe with five-inch clear spikes filled with red metallic glitter. If I were to fall, which I could barely walk in the dress and had no idea how I’d pee wearing it, my body would remain on the ground like a dead woman. Then I thought about the deep plunging front and back. I needed adhesive to make it stay in place; my B-sized boobs weren’t big enough to keep the straps from sliding around.
          Salina hired some professional body painters to come in and help everyone transform their faces and any exposed body parts to match their costumes. She looked stunning as a sparkling ice-cycle with a silvery skinny floor-length dress, similar to my red and white striped thing. She took it upon herself to pour flutes of champagne for everyone to enjoy while we played, which under normal circumstances would be my job.
It didn’t take the painters long to get everyone polished up. There were four of them, three guys and a woman, and they worked together, fast and organized. Having four people touching different parts of my body at the same time was new to me, and I noted very arousing. Even if the guys preferred their own gender, their gentle touches sent goose bumps running rampant over my body. One suggested that I wear some little nipple pads as I wasn’t wearing any undergarments. I gasped when he tweaked my nipple to show how obvious it stood out through the fabric.
The girls standing around me had a good laugh at my shocked sound effects. They took turns tweaking each other’s nipples until the painters told them to stop or they’d scrape up the paint job, which made me laugh. 

My Review :
Rating : 4 Books

A short read and hot story. I like the first part of the book, the attraction between the characters are there,on the middle part I was confused on the story and Glenda was out of the picture already.

Over all, I can say that the author has done a good job in executing this one. I easily relate with the characters in the story. I kinda like Dom - Sub scenario too.

About the Author:

Kay Dee Royal writes paranormal, fantasy, and contemporary erotic romance—maybe because they’re also her favorite genres to read! She pens tales with wild, rugged heroes and strong, intelligent heroines. She'll give them both a few shadowy secrets, making her stories intriguing and fun. She resides in Southern Michigan with her family (her dog, her cats, her caged husband... you get the idea).

You can find more about her books at Muse It Hot


Kay Dee Royal ~ Guest Post ~ Sexy Movie Night

Christmas Sexy Movie Night

Happy Holidays everyone ~ thank you so much for stopping by, and while you’re here, please remember to follow this lovely blog; )
A lot of people have a favorite Christmas movie…or a few favorites, and mine seems to be an ever building list as there are new films made every year. Last year I spent days knitting and crocheting while watching a number of Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. Talk about a way to get into the holiday “spirit” of joy: )
My family grew up with a few favorites from our parents’ era and are still favorites, such as: White Christmas, Holiday Inn, Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life…and my personal “family” favorite is Christmas Vacation  – it’s not a romance, but Chevy Chase is at his all-time great ~ we still gather around to watch this one; )
But for a night alone with your significant other, try something romantic, like The Holiday (2006) starring Camryn Dias and Kate Winslet, Jack Black and Jude Law…and I won’t forget Eli Wallach (what a gentleman;) It’s an amazing romance…maybe a little chick-flicky, but my husband liked it too. Love Jack Black in the role he plays: )
Prepare a finger-food tray, nice bottle of wine (or your favorite cocktail), scented candles for lighting, massage oil or lotion, and a soft blanket to snuggle in together on the couch…or on the floor (like a picnic). Once the movie is going and you’re feeling sated food-wise, suggest massaging your significant other. He or she can still watch the movie as you do your thing with the massage lotion (make sure your door is locked for the pleasure that follows). All is relaxing and calming…and passion inducing; ) You can always pause/stop the movie and play soft music for a while if things get frisky; )
A Holiday evening together might be a simple movie night with a few frills…and a whole lot of thrills *grins*

So, what romantic Holiday movie would you pick?


  1. Michie - thank you for your review of my book and for sharing it at your lovely place: ) I'm ever grateful: )
    Happy Holidays:)


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