
I'm Michie, I love reading books,blogging,photography and digital scrapbooking.

I'm a full time employee and I blog during my free time. I blog about everything and anything that makes me happy and sounds interesting.

Also, all books reviewed on my blog were purchased by me or I received it from an author or publisher in exchange for a honest review.  I am NOT a paid reviewer. Please do not take any reviews from this blog without my permission. I DO NOT own all the pictures on this blog. I found them on either Photobucket or other web sites and posted them on here because I like them. I am in NO way claiming that they are mine. If you see a picture on here that belongs to you, let me know, I can give you credit or I can take the picture down. Thanks!

For any queries or concern, you can email me at michiedoll@gmail.com


  1. Hi I'm a new follower...would you follow me back at



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