Book Blogger Hop # 1

"If you don't like a book that you said you would review, do you graciously turn it down and explain why or do you struggle through it and hopefully come up with a half decent review?"


I will finish the book and write an honest review because I already agreed and it's unfair to turn it down just because I don't like the book at all. Author ask us to review their book so that they will have an idea if their book is good or not and they are expecting an honest review.


  1. I write negative reviews and I think it can be done in a non-mean way. However, I think most authors who send you book want good publicity, not an idea of whether their books are good. My post explains when and why I write negative reviews.

  2. That is good you continue. I can't read something I don't like. I do feel bad when I say I will read it and it turns out to not be what I thought, but the author is usually fine. I think they appreciate the feedback.

    My answer is below.

    Nice blog...I haven't visited before.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. Well, I don't receive unsolicited review requests anymore, because I'm signed up with several tour companies. I prefer not to deal directly with the author. That way, there are no hard feelings later! So, if I'm supposed to review a book as part of a blog tour, I do contact the tour company to let them know if I don't like a book they've sent me. I even offer to send it back to them, at my expense.

    The thing is, when a book is being promoted, negative reviews will not help the promotion, of course. I then will not review it during the tour. I might do so much later, after the tour is over. However, if it's TOO uncomfortable for me to read a book, then I know I will NEVER review it, simply because I'm not going to finish reading it.!

    Thanks for your thoughts!! : )

    1. You're very welcome! And thanks for commenting back on my blog, as well as following!! I'm now following you back, and have added you to my Google + circles!

      Have a GREAT day!! : )

    2. P.S. And following with Bloglovin', as well!! : )


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