Book Blogger Hop # 2

Book blogging is more than just reading. Who helped you set up or run your blog? Or did you do it all yourself?

I set up and run my blog myself, I'm blogging since 2005, I started on my personal blog then I want it to be organize so I decided to create a separate blog for my Book  Review. Hopefully If I have extra money I want to buy my own domain.

How about you, did you do it all yourself or somebody help you?


  1. I maintain my own blog as well. Your blog looks terrific.

    My answer is in the link below.

    Happy Hopping!!
    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  2. I pretty much did the same. I haven't had my blog as long but I've done everything on my own. :)

    Check out MY HOP

  3. yes same here.I'm happy with my blog right now

  4. Oh, I would love to buy my own domain too. But sadly I find myself not on as much as I would like to have one. One day..maybe. But good luck to you! :)

  5. Same here. I love your header.

    Here's my answer if you'd like to read it.

    New follower on GFC and Google +.

  6. Hi. Thanks for reading my blog. I have my own domain now. When I have time I will change the layout. My blog is just over two months old so still quite young!

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo


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