Five Minute Friday - Lonely


I'm so bothered for how many days now, I don't know what's wrong with me. I did all my best to do my job well but still they don't understand me, they think the worst in me.

It's really hard on my part because I know I give my all to them without reservation or restriction. There's a saying that we cannot please everybody and on my situation now, I know and it's proven that it's true.

Why it's difficult for them to understand that I did all this things because I'm doing my job and it's part of my job and it's nothing personal.

Hope and pray that everything will turn out fine.

Five Minute Friday


  1. Praying for you today :) It is so hard when others don't understand us, but on the flipside it's a comfort to know God does. Jesus walked this earth with so much adversity- His life here on earth helps me when I face adversity. Take comfort that in this world we will have trouble- but take heart- He has overcome the world! :) John 16:33

    1. That's true. Yeah, I know God comfort and help me in this trials.

  2. Hello, I was thnking that there are so many different times in my own life that felt the same way. Now after many years, I have realized it was a huge growing period in my life.Speak the truth in love.

  3. I'm sorry for the unknown, wondering, and even loneliness, you are feeling right now. Prayers that God will comfort you and show you His plan soon! Sending a hug and blessings! :)

  4. So glad you stopped by my blog,! I noticed you do a lot of book reviews and wanted to invite you to join us each Thursday for Booknificent Thursday where you can link up any of your posts about books! Here's the link for this week if you're interested:

  5. Praying that you will be comforted in this lonely and upsetting time.

  6. keeping you in prayers. Hope that all turns out well for you.


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