My Review : Back to Life

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Sahara Lee has spent the last ten years living with the guilt of a tragic accident and its aftermath. That night irrevocably changed the outgoing, fun-loving college freshman into an introverted, workaholic with no social life. Sahara isolates herself from everyone and everything that reminds her of home in an effort to forget what happened. Using art as a substitute for love, Sahara throws herself into music and art as a way to feel something other than the guilt that haunts her. She accepts her lonely existence as penance for the role she played in the accident. That is, until she meets Tyree Barker, the good looking entrepreneur with baggage of his own. Blindsided by a legal loophole, Sahara is suddenly forced to confront the past she’s been running from. Juggling the guilty feelings of her past and the unexpected feelings of her present, Sahara’s future becomes complicated as she heads down a path of forgiveness, love, and heartbreak…and not in that particular order. Back to Life reminds you that living and existing are two completely different ways to go through life. Grief will break you but guilt, guilt will destroy you. And once that happens, what can bring you back to life?

My Review 

Character - Sahara Lee , Tyree Barker
Genre - Romance
Author - Danielle Allen
Rating - 5 Books
Source - Author 

I really love the characters on the story,it was well written and very detailed,while reading this book I imagined every scene even their clothes and ambiance of the restaurant,their apartment.

I like Sahara because she is very strong,independent but sometimes I found it annoying when she cries a lot.

Tyree Barker is my new book boyfriend,he is very passionate,caring and thoughtful. 

Once you read this book, you can't put it down because of the turn of events,it's very addictive and I'm surprised with the ending...just read it so you will know.

To Danielle - good job,hope you can write more story like this.

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