Book Blogger Hop September 20th - 26th

Book Blogger Hop

What is your favorite genre? List two of your favorite books in that genre.

My favorite genre is Romance and Paranormal.

My favorite books are The Marriage Mistakes by Jennifer Probst and Fallen too Far by Abbi Glines.


  1. I don't read paranormal but like a romance when it is in historical fiction. :)

    THANKS for stopping by my Book Blogger Hop post earlier. I will have my review of THE WEDDING GIFT up soon. Hope you can stop back.

    Happy Hopping!!
    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. I'm excited for your review on The Wedding Gift,thanks for dropping by Elizabeth.

  2. My favorite genre is supernatural suspense and memoir.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Do you like to mix paranormal and romance, or keep them separate?

  4. Love Paranormal!New follower via bloglovin, gfc and g+

    Guinevere& Libertad @ TwinjabookReviews

  5. My favorite genre is historical fiction.

    Happy Hopping!!
    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  6. I also enjoy paranormal and romance. Thanks do much for stopping by my hop and for following. I followed you back :-)


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