Book Review : First Position

Emory faces life’s challenges at the one place that’s never failed her, the ballet barre.  But even the barre can’t steady her when fate brings her face-to-face with her old college flame, Mason, who’s hoping to return to the NFL after a career-threatening injury.  Before they can surrender to their sexual desires and find salvation in each other’s arms, they need to come to terms with their past.  Mason must confront the demons that have set him on a path of self-destruction, while Emory must decide whether to keep her painful secrets locked away, or expose them and risk losing the love of her life.  But nothing can prepare Mason for what Emory has kept hidden, or the possibility that he himself may be to blame for the very secrets she keeps – and why they continue to haunt her.

My Review :

Character :  Daniel Mason , Emory Claire
Genre : Romance
Author : Prescott Lane
Rating : 5 Books
Source : Author (For Review)

Emory Claire and Daniel Mason are college sweethearts. Emory want to pursue her career in New York but Mason wants her to his side on his NFL career. Mason broke up with her and marry Alexis. After 6 years they accidentally met again. Mason was separated with Alexis while Emory's engagement was off.

I love this book so much,very emotional, I love all the character except Alexis. Mason did his best to win back Emory while Emory forgave and forget what Mason did to her on the past.

Mason gave up big NFL contract just to be with Emory, Emory wants their relationship to be SLOW, Mason was willing to wait until Emory is ready.

At first, I hate Mason's mother but on the later part, I'm beginning to like her. She loves his son so much and she wants his son to be happy. 

I cried on the last chapter when Emory confessed her secret to Mason,her past that can make or break their life together.

This is a well written story,you will surely love this.

Great job Prescott Lane, hope to review your incoming books. Goodluck


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You can purchase this book here in AMAZON


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