Book Blogger Hop September 6-12, 2013

What got you started as a blogger? Everyone has a story/reason, what's yours?

I love writing so much, my friend told me to try blogging so that many people read and get inspired on what I am writing. She taught me how to make a blog using blogger and I found it very user friendly. 

My first blog had no specific niche, I blog everything I like then I decided to separate my Book Review blog on my personal blog. 

Hopefully before the year ends I can have my own domain. Do you have any suggestions on where to purchase affordable domain?


  1. So glad to see you started a blog. :)

    I am not sure how to get your own domain, but I am sure someone will know.

    Happy Hopping!!
    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  2. I have one blog with Bluehost. I am not very tech savy about hosting sites. So I got a recommendation from someone that is an IT person.

    1. I will check on that,I heard blogspot offered domain name also.
      thanks for visiting my site.

  3. I don't know about the domain thing either, nor do I understand why folks are so eager to spend money on stuff like that. I'm happy on free blogger and I couldn't begin to tell you which blogs I read are blogs and which have their own domain names.

    1. I'm new on a domain,they said when you have domain,it's more personalized something like that. Thanks for visiting my stie.


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