My Review : Cry Uncle

After witnessing a professional hit, Seattle architect Pamela Hayes has testified in court against the hit man. Unfortunately, a mistrial is declared and the hit man has been released on bail while awaiting a new trial. He intends to silence the sole witness to murder - Pam - before that new trial begins. She needs to hide, and she runs as far as she can: to steamy Key West,Florida.

Jonas Brenner, a Key West bar owner and easy-going slacker, is about to lose custody of his orphaned five-year-old niece - unless he can convince the courts that he's a responsible father. What he needs is a prim and proper wife who will create the illusion that Lizard, as his niece likes to be called, is being raised in a stable environment.

What Pam needs is a new identity. Joe offers her a deal: if she marries him and takes his name, no Pacific Northwest hit man is going to find her. In return, she can pose as Joe's respectable wife, dutifully caring for the rambunctious, feather-wearing Lizard.

Of course, this will be a marriage in name only. No sex. No emotions. No love. Which, once Pam and Joe move in together and the sparks begin to fly, is easier said than done.

Characters - Pamela Hayes and Jonas Brenner

Genre - Contemporary Romance

Author - Judith Arnold

Rating - 3 Books

Source - Purchased

I bought this book in Amazon for only $0.99, it's a short story but it has lot of sense, I like Lizard,she is very witty and funny girl. 

Jonas is very quiet but super lovable man, I like the way he love Lizard. He lives a simple life until he met Pam.

Pam needs a new identity and she agreed to marry Joe in exchange for a new identity but eventually they fall in love with each other.

Story is very simple yet you will learn a lesson from it.


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