Feature and Follow Friday # 6

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers -- but you have to know -- the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!

How does this work? First you leave your name here on this post, (using the linky tools -- keep scrolling!) then you create a post on your own blog that links back to this post (easiest way is to just grab the code under the #FF picture and put it in your post) and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them "hi" in their comments (on the post that has the #FF image). You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you!

Q: Bookshelf Tour. Give us a tour of your bookshelf.

I don't have camera right now, I just post my new books that was newly added on my Bookshelves. I will start reading them tomorrow. 

Can you show me your bookshelves too.

GFC Follower photo GFCfollowers_zps1e5bc9f4.jpg

 photo Bloglovinfollowers_zpse3fa43a4.jpg


  1. To Seduce a Scoundrel looks so awesome! Looks like you've got some great reads ahead of you! Happy Friday :)

    Here's my FF!

    1. Hi Jessica,To Seduce a Scoundrel is awesome book. I love it.
      Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Ooh nice! Seeing a lot of These Broken Stars! Hope you enjoy it and the rest of your new reads!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I'm excited to read it also.
      thanks for dropping by

  3. Great collection!

    New GFC follower. Here is my Follow friday

  4. Argh! These Broken Stars really makes me envious. Disney has disapproved my request for that.

    Happy reading!

    Old follower on bloglovin!

    Here's my Thoughts and Pens FF.

    1. Many good feedbacks on that book and I can't wait to read it.

      Thanks for dropping by

  5. These Broken Stars is also on my list :) Thanks for stopping by and following.

    New Bloglovin' follower.

    Zareena @ Books and Books

  6. I'm really looking forward to reading These Broken Stars. I look forward to your review :)

    Thanks for visiting our FF

    New GFC follower

    Kat @ Books Are Bread

    1. Me too, I'm excited to read it.
      Thanks for dropping by

  7. Great books and thanks for visiting my blog! Old GFC follower =)


  8. I use my Kindle or iPad as a camera. I want an actual digital camera but that's a long way down the road.

    Following back via BFC and Bloglovin'. :)


    1. i tried using my Ipad as camera also but I'm having a hard time uploading it on my blogspot.T
      Thanks for visiting my site.

  9. I really want to read These Broken Stars.Thanks for stopping by my FF.Follow back via GFC.

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews


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