My Review - Fight with Me

Jules Montgomery is too busy and content with her life to worry about a man, especially one Nate McKenna. If growing up with four brothers has taught her anything, she knows to stay away from sexy men with tattoos and motorcycles. That goes double if he's your boss. During the one incredible night they shared, he violated the no fraternization policy...among other things, and it won't happen again. Jules won't risk her career for mind-blowing sex, no matter how much her body and her damn heart keep arguing with her. 

Nate McKenna could give a shit about the no fraternizing policy. He wants Jules and he'll have her. The rules could bend around them, or be damned. He's not a man to be taken lightly, and Jules Montgomery is about to find out just how he responds to being pushed aside after the best night of sex he's ever had. She can fight all she wants, but he'll have her in his bed in the end.

FIGHT WITH ME is the second novel in the With Me In Seattle Series.

My Review :

Characters - Jules Montgomery and Nate McKenna

Genre - Contemporary Romance

Author - Kristen Proby

Rating - 4 Books

Source - Purchased

Jules and Nate work together and they shared a night eight months ago and Nate wants Jules so much, Jules love her jobs and she knows that being with Nate will ruin her career but she cannot avoid Nate, she likes him so much.

Nate makes her an offer to spend weekend with him and that's where it all started. 

Nate is very determined guy, he loves Jules so much, he pampers and spoils her. I like the way he chased Jules everytime they had misunderstanding. 

I love Jules family, they are so close and respect each other. They spend their weekends together. I like how her brother loves her and protect her.

There are so many steamy scene in this book and it's very romantic.

Great job Kristen.

My Rating :
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  1. Oh wow this book sounds great! I really liked your review, Nate seems like great character ( I like a guy who knows what he wants and goes after it)


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